18 May Turning Lemons into Lemonade
“Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart.”
— Myla Kabat-Zinn
I have always lived by the philosophy of “when life hands me lemons I will make lemonade”. Sometimes this is easier said than done. So, how do we take these lemons and make a delicious drink? How do we see the glass as half full as opposed to half empty? It involves invoking the power of positive thinking and not being overly attached to the outcome as much as we are to the process.
Whenever you encounter a potentially negative situation try re-framing the situation towards the positive. Spend sometime incorporating positive thinking into your general perspective. Is wishing, hoping and positive thinking just magic or does it really work? Deepak Chopra has proven that quantum healing does work to the satisfaction of the American Medical Association. Quantum healing already has well documented cases of being effective with cancer patients. The basic quantum healing process: along with a healthy diet, meditation visualizing tumor cells getting wiped out by good disease fighting T Cells has been proven effective in some cases. This is the power of re framing and positive thought in action. This philosophy of positive thinking and creative re-framing and visualization does not only apply to health, but also love, money, and future desires. Since this re-framing or positive thinking technique has been proven effective, is it really worth it to stay stuck in old patterns of thinking? Just think… if I were just more positive, had faith in myself, how much better my life might be?
Psychologists foolishly warn against wishing and positive thinking techniques, saying it’s childlike and delusional. Yet they make a big point about re-framing. It is the same thing, take any situation, and visualize how could it better? Then focus on it, imagine every detail and practice overcoming whatever obstacles stand in the way of turning the situation to a positive. I am not suggesting that you avoid reality, but instead I ask that you envision how you could fashion your life into the most positive possible outcome.
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Have a sensational week!
Thom King
Steviva Brands, Inc.